POWER, JCS, JCC Statements

z/VSE versus z/OS JCL

This is not a migration course the aim is to provide some information on the differences between z/VSE and z/OS Job Control Language.

z/OS has two equivalents to POWER, namely JES2 and JES3, with JES2 being that most frequently encountered.

Before looking at any actual JCL it is worth considering the nature of any submitted job and hence its likely entry point to the system as this may affect the JCL itself. Production jobs will, in all probability, be submitted via a Scheduling Package such as CA-7, CONTROL-M, or Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS), formerly OPC. As a principal this may be true for both z/VSE and z/OS. Development jobs are likely to be submitted via TSO/E is z/OS, although ROSCOE may be an alternative, while in z/VSE such jobs may be submitted from either ICCF or VM/CMS.

The JOB structure, in terms of the order of statements, is very different between the two systems; as shown here.

The other major difference affecting JCL components is the catalogue structure and its underlying philosophy. Again get an overview here.

To review two equivalent Access Method Services follow these links:
z/VSE Version or z/OS Version.

Useful IBM Redbook

It is worth doing a Google search for "VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook". (The direct link is not included here in case the location changes.)

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